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Alumni Let’s Talk

Welcome Alumni!

NCCCLP Professional Connections for a Lifetime Logo

Our members come together from diverse backgrounds, representing multiple areas and interests of the college. Together, we create a community that works to solve issues and challenges in the landscape of higher education. 
Throughout the year, we will provide an opportunity to discuss contemporary issues, current events, and trends. The link to the discussion board below allows our professional network to engage in ongoing dialogue regarding the future of our system, our students, and higher education.

A brand new way for our NCCCL Alumni Group to connect, share, & collaborate is the discussion board!

Join the NCCCLP Alumni Discussion Board! A new hub to talk about Community College issues, problems, and to share best practices. We have also included a General Discussion Board where you can share celebrations for all the happy little things going on in your lives like: promotions, degree attainment, marriages, babies, dogs, and the list goes on! Click the button below to create your account & start connecting with the alumni.